Dietze Consult & Management GmbH
As an independent company of the JB-X Group, DCM represents venture capital and private equity investors as well as well-known operators and companies in order to realize high-yield projects in Europe and Asia in partnership and with determination.
We place particular emphasis on sustainable and optimal value creation in order to initiate long-term and holistic optimizations, taking into account realistic, visionary and on-budget concepts, thereby ensuring sustainable stability for investors and operators.
Our service areas:
- Investment/fund - provision for new hotel development or hotel conversions (conversion of existing properties)
- Purchase/conversion of real estate
- Security deposits for leased properties
- Partnership in operating companies
- First point of contact for purchasing/letting/management of hotel projects as official representative of the Dusit Group in and for the European region.
- Core areas of Dusit Hotels:
- +70 years of experience in executive hotel management in the upscale international 3 to 5 star hotel industry
- Focal points:
Stadthotellerie/Resorthotellerie/Wellnes&SPA/medizinisches SPA/Serviced Apartment/Gastronomie/Veranstaltungs- und Cateringservice - As of 2023/24, Dusit Hotels has +332 actively operated properties, spread across 9 in-house brands and a further +60 hotel managements under negotiation.
- Founder of Dusit College (hotel management schools) and "The Food School" - Culinary Lab
- Concept provider for hotel owners in project developments and conversions of existing properties.
- Implementation planning from site analysis and idea to handing over the keys.
- Control body / auditor with regard to concept fulfillment (from construction to operational handling)
- Representative/administrative body of real estate owners in project developments and conversions of existing properties.
- Representation of the owner's interests vis-à-vis the operator
- Auditor in the area of Financial & Quality Performance
We connect what belongs together
Predictable success and a head start through individually developed and coordinated strategic and clearly defined components and service factors.
Whether in purchasing or sales, whether through licensing/branding, whether through increasing the business or real estate value, whether through reputation enhancement, targeted management or accompanying system controlling.
Dietze Consult & Management GmbH,
based in the heart of Berlin and Passau, offers customized solutions through its team and over 25 years of Euro-Asian experience, which benefit our clients in every industry.
Services of the
Dietze Consult & Management GmbH
Durch unsere Entwicklungsabteilung agieren wir effizient und zielstrebig im Bereich der Entwicklung und Weiterentwicklung. Gemeinsam mit den uns angeschlossenen Partnerunternehmen und unserem internationalem Netzwerk arbeiten wir an bestmöglicher Positionierung & Vermarktung Ihrer: Produkte, Marke, Immobilie, Operative, Patente, Expansions – und Finanzierungswünsche.
Über unseren Handels-Partner, der cooperation management GmbH, bieten wir darüber hinaus Einkaufs- und Softwaredienstleistungen für Konzerne, Unternehmensverbände, Kooperationen oder Einkaufsgesellschaften an. Wir sourcen international, auch Sonderbedarf, um unseren Kunden interessante Produkte und Preise anbieten zu können, wobei wir auch über diverse Eigenmarken verfügen.
Über unsere Verwaltungs-Abteilung stellen wir zudem eine cloud- und webbasierte Einkaufs- und Controlling-Software in verschiedenen Portalen zur Verfügung. Zusätzlich zum procure-to-pay-Prozess bieten wir Module für Vertragsverwaltung, Inventurabwicklung, arbeiten auf mobilen Geräten oder sehr spezifische Funktionalitäten für lebensmittelverarbeitende Betriebe an. Durch dieses werden tagtäglich zahlreiche Kunden in den Branchen Hotellerie und Gesundheitswesen, sowie Einzel-und Fachhandel von der Lieferantenauswahl bis zur Rechnungskontrolle betreut.
Um solchen ganzheitlichen Erfolg mit und für unsere Klienten erzielen zu können, arbeiten wir kooperativ mit ausgewählten namhaften nationalen sowie internationalen Partnern zusammen. Nutzen und steigern auch sie dadurch noch bislang ungeahntes Potential für ihr Unternehmen in den Bereichen:
- Investment / Financing
- Lizenz & Beteiligungsmanagement
- Zentraleinkauf und Beschaffungsmanagement
- Hotelmanagement / Hotel Branding
- lizenzierte digitale Management Lösungen und Programme (POS/PMS/Revenue Management/E-Commerce)
- Vertriebsstrukturen
- Marketing & Social Media
- Reisemanagement
- Human Resourcing & Recruiting
- regional construction, planning, project and architectural services
- Asset & Facility Management
Dietze Consult & Management GmbH has set itself the task of actively and hands-on bringing its business and project development to a new, contemporary service level.
Especially in today's fast-moving times, in which active "networking" and "connecting the dots" are no longer empty buzzwords, it is the holistic execution of active consulting with a forward-looking strategy and linking of all relevant parameters in order to realize holistic projects/products in a success-oriented manner.
This includes various management disciplines from sales, marketing, license handling, project & business development and expansion management, by initiating, controlling and monitoring business optimization, administrative and operational processes, for non-profit and business stabilizing/expanding activities.
We are happy to provide you with coordinated, smooth processes in all these disciplines, which can be tailored to your needs:
- people Management
- total quality management
- sales & marketing
- trading support (Import/Export)
- events/openings/positionings
- structuring & re-structuring
- E-Commerce
- recruiting & training
- investment solutions
- product placements
- concepts & feasibility studies
- social media
- mystery shopping & controlling
we are constantly looking for suitable projects, new products, hotel properties, shopping centers, investment transactions and real estate investments for listed regional and international investors.
- are you looking for a change, partner, tenant or operator?
- would you like to realign your property, increase its value, sell it or simply have it managed?
- are you looking for technological purchasing, control or communication options that make your business life easier?
- do you want to have your products or companies listed in our central purchasing department?
- you are a service provider and recognize yourself in our philosophy and segments?
Then let's discuss all the details so that we can take action together.
Email Dietze Consult:
Email Cooperation Management:
Analysis & concepts for branding and positioning
Interior Design & Purchasing
Product / Utility & Facility Management
Do you have an idea or no idea?
We are happy to assist you from the vision to the opening and beyond as your purchasing and utility management.
We would be happy to visualize and develop your next project together with you.
Whether office space, store, pop-up store, exhibition stand, serviced apartment, hostel, restaurant, food court or hotel/resort/themed hotel.
Please take advantage of our network and our direct/special prices and conditions!
Your operating result will thank you!

Dusit International – Mitaussteller an der Expo Real 2024
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